United Nations Biodiversity Conference
SBI-5 / COP 16 / CP-MOP 11 / NP-MOP 5
21 October - 1 November 2024
Cali, Colombia
©Aung Chan Thar / Women4Biodiversity
21 October
CBD Official #5740: Side Event Indicator methodology to measure national implementation of the Gender Plan of Action
Time: 13:20 pm Colombia time
Venue: JUSCANZ room, Plaza One
22 October
Restoration by HER : Understanding Gender Responsive Approaches to Ecosystem Restoration
Time: 12:00 noon – 12:45 pm
Venue: Colombian Pavillion, Blue Zone
Interpretation: Spanish
Progress on the indicator methodology to measure the national implementation of the Gender Plan of Action
Time: 9:45 am – 10:30 am
Venue: Colombian Pavillion, Blue Zone
Interpretation: Spanish
Retos y desafios de las mujeres en la biodiversidad
Time: 3:00 pm
Venue: Peru Pavillion
23 October
Integrating Gender : Advancing a Monitoring Framework For Biodiversity
Time: 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Venue: Women’s Pavillion, Place Quebec
Side Event #6200: Synergies in Action: Accelerating Biodiversity Commitments with Integrated Tools
Time: 3 PM Colombia time
Venue: Cocuy – Marie Khan Women’s Caucus meeting room, Plaza One
Women in the Heart of Restoration : Stories of Self-Determination and Leadership
Time: 3 PM – 4PM
Venue: Women’s Hub, Place Quebec
24 October
Side Event #6308: Women, Citizen Science, and the Futures of Biodiversity Conservation
Time: 10:10 am Colombia time
Venue: Chiribiquete – Asia and the Pacific meeting room, Plaza One
Side Event #5880: Navigating a Changing World with Human Rights at the Core: Implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework with a Human Rights-Based Approach
Time: 11.40 Colombian time
Venue: Sinu – Africa meeting room, Plaza One
More info
25 October
Call for Action: Core Human Rights and Locally Led, Gender-Responsive Principles for Conservation Organizations and Funders for Implementing the KM-GBF
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Venue: Cocora, Subnational and Local Authorities meeting room, Plaza One
Interpretation: Spanish
CBD COP16 Forest Day Session: A human rights-based approach to conserving forests
Time: 9:30 pm – 10:30 pm
Venue: KMGBF Pavillion, Blue Zone
26 October
Press conference: Indicator on Gender Plan of Action for Target 23 and Gender Data and Perspectives in Biodiversity Conservation
Time: 10:30 am – 11:00 am Colombia time
Venue: Press Room
Building peace: sustainable use of water-related
Time: 03:50 pm – 05:50 pm Colombia time
Venue: GBF Pavillion
28 October
Call to action: Advancing locally-led, gender responsive biodiversity action
Time: 04:00pm – 05:00 pm Colombian time
Venue: GBF Pavillion
Principles for inclusive, gender-responisve, locally-led biodiversity action
Time: 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Venue: GEF Pavillion, Blue Zone
Interpretation: Spanish
Livestream: On GEF YouTube
29 October
Bridging the Rio Conventions to Advance Women’s Land Rights
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Venue: Women’s Pavillion, Place Quebec
Indigenous and Local Knowledge for Biodiversity: Partnerships to Face Climate Change
Time: 03:00pm – 04:30 pm Colombian time
Venue: UNESCO Booth
30 October
Restoration for & by people: Rights, Benefits and Transformative Change
Time: 02:30pm – 03:30 pm Colombian time
Venue: KM-GBF Paviliion
31 October
Working together to realize societies in harmony with nature: Mechanisms and tools to support on-the-ground initiatives
Time: 01:20 pm – 02:40 pm Colombia time
Venue: Mavecure – Business and Industry Organizations meeting room