Open-Ended Working Group on Post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, Fourth
Meeting (OEWG2020-4), 21-26 June,
Nairobi, Kenya
26 June 2022
Thank you Co-Chair,
Habari Wajumber,
My name is Sharon Nyambura, delivering the closing statement on behalf of the Women’s Caucus.
Imagine a day without women.
Please, delegates, kindly close your eyes and imagine what this world would be without indigenous women selecting and storing the seeds that ensure a wealthy harvest; a world without local women nurturing the land, protecting the oceans and defending their territories; a world where women, in all their diversities, stop suddenly acting in favour of biodiversity.
Imagine a day where the contributions, of half of the population, to conserve and sustainably use biodiversity simply disappear.
That picture is truly an obscure one. That is a world where none of us would wish to live in. Then, why do we keep pushing women to live in darkness by closing our eyes to their specific needs and challenges and turning a deaf ear to their demands?
The Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, has the potential to address the mindless destruction of humanity and biodiversity crisis through a proactive, inclusive and just approach towards its conservation and sustainable use. Through effectively integrating women and girls´ knowledge, innovations and practices, the Post 2020 GBF could create, pave and boost a path where nature thrives.
That is the world where all of us want to live, right?
We kindly request Parties to exhibit an open mind and integrate a rights based-approach all along the post 2020 GBF to honour the spirit of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
So far 50 countries, and counting, have manifested loud and clear their commitment with women and girls through a stand-alone target on gender equality! Please look around, all of those flowers that you see distributed on the desks, representing each of one of those gender champions. To all of you, our sincere appreciation.
Dear Delegates, we strongly ask of you, from this day forward and all the way to Montreal, to keep in your mind and heart that there is a legal and ethical duty to ensure the gender-responsiveness of the Post2020 GBF; for the sake of our ancestors, for us, our children and all the new generations to come!
Asanteni sana, Merci, Gracious, Thank you…