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Side Event at 12th meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional WG on Article 8(j): Gender Implications of Benefit-Sharing in the Digital Sequence Information on Genetic Resources

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A panel discussion on the rapidly evolving landscape of genetic resource use, the intersection of gender dynamics and benefit-sharing mechanisms. It will also discuss the gender implications of benefit-sharing in digital sequence information (DSI) to ensure that women and girls, particularly those from Indigenous Peoples and local communities are not left behind in the pursuit of biodiversity conservation.

For more information on Geneva conferences 2023, please click here.


Thursday, 16 November 2023

18.15 hours local time. Please convert your time and date here


Salle 3 – Asia and the Pacific, International Conference Centre Geneva / Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland


For online attendance, please register here.


The roundtable welcomes the active participation of a diverse audience, including rights-holders, experts, policy-makers, practitioners and advocates interested in the intersection of gender justice and biodiversity conservation.

The panel will include,

  • Lim Li Ching, Third World Network
  • Cicilia Githaiga, Lawyer of the High Court of Kenya
  • Yesenia Hernandez, Rueda de Medicina AC
  • TBC, Natural Justice


  • To ensure that women have equal opportunities to access and contribute to DSI activities.
  • To discuss the potential barriers and opportunities for women from Indigenous peoples and local communities to benefit from DSI.
  • To discuss the strategies and best practices that can be adopted to promote women’s leadership and participation in DSI research and utilisation.
  • To discuss how benefit-sharing mechanisms from DSI activities contribute to women’s empowerment and support gender equality in biodiversity conservation efforts.

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