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Targeting Gender – Best Practices and Ways Forward

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UN CBD SBSTTA24, SBI3, OEWG-3 Side event

Date: 14 March 2022

Time: 13:15-14:15 CET

Venue: On line+ On site (Salle 14, Level 2, CICG conference centre)



The event will discuss the Draft Post-2020 Gender Plan of Action that will be presented during the SBI-3 Session, under Agenda Item 5 on 17 March 2022.

The purpose of this event is to provide a platform to advance the consideration of gender in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and its implementation, through sharing reflections on the draft Post-2020 Gender Plan of Action. The event intends to provide an opportunity to explore synergies and identify gender-responsive actions that are needed to ensure a truly transformative biodiversity agenda that ensures the full engagement, rights and well-being of women and girls. The 30-year blueprint for living in harmony with nature cannot be achieved without ensuring that women and girls – now and in the future – have equal opportunity and capacity to contribute to biodiversity objectives, and full enjoyment of their rights to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. 


·       Reflect, discuss and share specific recommendations to strengthen the consideration of gender in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). 

·       Share and explore linkages and synergies between the Post-2020 Gender Plan of Action and the GBF to ensure a just, equitable and inclusive biodiversity agenda and effective implementation of the goals and targets of the GBF 

·       Ensure all participants are informed and aware of the links between gender, human rights and biodiversity governance and sustainability.

·       Launch and share the new CBD publication on Best Practices in Gender and Biodiversity: Pathways for multiple benefits

Intended audience

This event is intended for Parties to the CBD, gender-, human rights-, and environment-focused practitioners and their networks, as well as those working on integrated, cross-sector policy and programming. The event aims to inform the CBD meetings in Geneva (SBSTTA24, SBI3 and WG2020-3), towards ensuring that the post-2020 global biodiversity framework is gender-responsive. Lessons learnt and promising practices for addressing women’s rights, gender equality and the future of biodiversity in the post-2020 GBF will also be shared.

Co-organised by

Host and Facilitation: Women4Biodiversity and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

Co-conveners (in alphabetical order):, IUCN, OHCHR, Swedbio, UNEP-WCMC, WWF International and with the Women’s Caucus- UNCBD Members (CoopiSolidar- Costa Rica, FARN (Argentina), Indigenous Women’s Network in Thailand (IWNT), Network of Indigenous Peoples in Solomon (NIPS), Pastoral Communities Empowerment Programme (PACEP), Avaaz, Cultural Survival, International Funders for Indigenous Peoples (IFIP).


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