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Parana City, ARGENTINA

Fundación CAUCE: Cultura Ambiental, Causa Ecologista (hereafter Fundación CAUCE). Fundación CAUCE was founded in 2018 with the main objective of moving towards sustainable societies where one can exercise, with full conscience, an ethic of care that considers human rights and the rights of nature. Fundación CAUCE works with a gender perspective in arts, culture and education.

The wetland to be restored is a representation of the area’s local natural, historical and cultural heritage. It is part of the most significant wetland system in Argentina, the Paraná Delta River (which includes three Argentine provinces, Entre Rios, Buenos Aires and Santa Fe). It is home to the biogeographical ecoregions of the “Espinal” (endangered at the national level) and the Paranaense Rainforest.

Fundación CAUCE works on the restoration, water management and community-based ecotourism of the wetlands. For this project, Fundacion Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) provides technical expertise and guidance, attends field visits/meetings, collaborates with communications, and attends to financial tasks. In coordination with FARN, Fundación CAUCE works with a group of women from the organization “Cuidadores de la Casa Común Entre Ríos.”

Cuidadores de la Casa Común Entre Rios belongs to a national movement made up of social and community organizations from different parts of the country in response to the Encyclical Letter “Laudato Si” of Pope Francis: Caring for the Common Home. They are more than 30 young and adult people from vulnerable neighbourhoods located in the west of Paraná City. Their purpose is to work in that territory with focus on environmental protection.

Fundación CAUCE has been working with Cuidadores de la Casa Común for the past two years in restoring the wetlands and in producing educational materials to raise awareness on the importance of wetlands.

Meanwhile, Cuidadores de la Casa Común works with another group of indigenous women that inhabit Enrique Berduc Rural Park. The indigenous women produce native plants for restoration.



• Baseline data will be gathered for the 3 longitudinal kilometres (km) to monitor changes/improvements in the future. This 3 km reaches a trail area and stream beds/channels. Along these 3 km, transverse transects will be traced, in specific places.



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Valeria Inés Enderle is the Executive Director of Fundación CAUCE: Cultura Ambiental, Causa Ecologista who is passionate about environment conservation, especially the wetlands of Paraná City in Entre Rios province, Argentina.


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Paraná City, Entre Rios province, Argentina


FUNDACIÓN CAUCE: Cultura Ambiental, Causa Ecologista (CAUCE)




3 longitudinal kilometres

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