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SBSTTA25 side event: How to Gender-Responsively Monitor the Implementation of the KM Global Biodiversity Framework?

How to Gender-Responsively Monitor the Implementation of the KM Global Biodiversity Framework?
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A 1.5-hour panel discussion led by CBD Women’s Caucus to identify concrete entry points for integrating gender considerations into the monitoring framework to address gender equality data gaps and to make visible the gender-responsive implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF). This side event will focus on the gender equality aspects of the monitoring framework for the KM-GBF.


18 October 2023 at 13.15 hours Nairobi time. Please check your time zone here.


Room 1, Ground Floor, UNEP Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya



This event will bring together diverse perspectives from the CBD Secretariat, UN entities, governments and women’s organisations. This event is being led by CBD Women’s Caucus in partnership with Eco Maxei, La Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN), Forest Peoples Programme (FPP), Global Forest Coalition (GFC), ICCA Consortium, International Land Coalition (ILC), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Gender, Swedbio, Tebtebba, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), Women4Biodiversity (W4B), World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International, and Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)

The speaker panel will include,

  • Cicilia Githaiga, CBD Women’s Caucus
  • Venge Nyirongo, UN Women
  • Katherine Despot-Belmonte, UNEP-WCMC
  • Ruth Spencer, UN Restoration Decade Advisor
  • Karina Vargas, ICCA Consortium
  • Jazzy Rasolojaona, Natural Justice
  • Abigail Kitma, Tebtebba
  • Valentina Figuera, Global Forest Coalition


  • To discuss opportunities and challenges for addressing gender-related data gaps in the monitoring framework and biodiversity monitoring systems.
  • To explore key recommendations to ensure that the monitoring framework is gender-responsive.
Event flyer in Spanish
Event flyer in French


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