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Twitterchat #GenderIsABiodiversityIssue

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A Twitterchat conversation
on gender and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

13 June 2022 JOIN US on Twitter @Women4Biodiv

9 am UTC – 4 pm Bangkok

1 pm UTC – 4 pm Nairobi

5 pm UTC – 11 am Costa Rica


Across different communities worldwide, women have performed unique roles in the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity as they gather and manage resources for their households and communities. While they have significant roles in biodiversity conservation and restoration, unfortunately, they are disproportionately affected by biodiversity loss.

Making the post-2020 global biodiversity framework truly gender-responsive would help ensure that the framework achieves its vision of living in harmony with nature by 2050. Acknowledging women’s unique roles in the sustainable use of natural resources and involving them in biodiversity planning and policy will help realize this vision.

The whole framework, including the monitoring framework and the financial mechanism and resource mobilization, should be gender-responsive.  A stand-alone target on gender equality would help anchor the rights-based approach in all biodiversity-related planning, policies and implementation at all levels as envisioned – a framework for all. Target 22 will “ensure women and girls’ equitable access and benefits from conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, as well as their informed and effective participation at all policy and decision making related to biodiversity.”

The target, which was proposed by Costa Rica, has gained support from other members of the Group of Latin American and Caribbean States (GRULAC), as well as from Cote d’Ivoire, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, and Tanzania during the UN Biodiversity meetings in Geneva and allies from other groups and organizations.

This Twitterchat conversation will continue the momentum from the May 22 Biodiversity Day live interviews with select Parties supporting Target 22, the “Adopt Target 22 this 2022” in-person action participated in and supported by Parties and the side event “Targeting Gender: Best Practices and Ways Forward” and related side events during the UN Biodiversity meetings in Geneva last March, as well as the complementary series of Target 22 videos from ally organizations as part of Women4Biodiversity’s ongoing #GenderIsABiodiversityIssue campaign.


On 13 June, the Women4Biodiversity Twitter page will ask a question every 4 hours (see questions below). Participating co-convenors and allies will start answering the questions using the comment tool. Also, they are encouraged to retweet the question and their answer, as well as other Twitter users’ answers,  with the goal of starting and deepening the conversation among the Twitter community. 

Delegates to the Convention on Biological Diversity and relevant figures such as the UN Biodiversity Executive Secretary and the Post-2020 Cochairs will also be invited to participate in their individual capacity by being “tagged” in the activity. 

To accommodate as many time zones as possible, the first question will be launched at 9 am UTC (4 pm Bangkok / 10 am UK), 2nd question at 1 pm UTC (4 pm Nairobi), and the last question will be 5 pm UTC (11 am Costa Rica). Participants/co-convenors who are up and online when the three questions are posted are encouraged to answer all three in the Twitterchat.

Questions for Twitterchat co-convenors / participants:

  1. Why is it important to effectively engage women in policies and actions for sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity? 
  1. Why is it essential to mainstream gender equality in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework?
  2. Why is a stand-alone gender equality target (Target 22) necessary for a genuinely gender-responsive post-2020 global biodiversity framework?

1 thought on “Twitterchat #GenderIsABiodiversityIssue”

  1. 1. It is important to engage women in policies for sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity because that are mainly the group of people who
    are truly engaged in taking care of all varieties of seeds for food, medicine and nature for millennia. However, they are still neglected and marginalised from taking part in policies discussions, specially in the governance of biodiversity of CBDPost2020.
    2. Giving the central role of women in managing and conserving the biodiversity, it is key to mainstreaming gender in the #post2020GFC, which will revert in positive gains not only for biodiversity conservation, but for assuring the food security/sovereignty of future generations both humans and all living being on the earth, and for climate as well.
    3. The #Post2020GBF should include the stand-alone gender equality target 22, because it is a issue of justice, and fair access to and distribution of resources necessary to stop biodiversity loss, combat poverty and enhance human rights to live in a healthy planet.

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