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Building resilient local economies through agro-biodiversity: Case from Malinau, North Kalimantan, Indonesia

Contributed by WWF Indonesia and FoMMA (Alliance of the People of the Kayan Mentarang National Park) and GOW (The united association of Women’s organizations) Equality in natural resource and landscape governance is fundamental and concerns: tenure rights, fair sharing of costs and benefits; procedural aspects… Read More »Building resilient local economies through agro-biodiversity: Case from Malinau, North Kalimantan, Indonesia

Women Deliver at CBD Special Virtual Sessions in Preparation for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3 (September 15-18, 2020)

(September 15 – 18, 2020) Due to the pandemic, the CBD meetings have been delayed for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3 . To accommodate discussions a week of virtual sessions was being organized to facilitate preparations for the meetings of the subsidiary bodies to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).… Read More »Women Deliver at CBD Special Virtual Sessions in Preparation for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3 (September 15-18, 2020)

Webinar Series: Women, Culture and Nature: Gender responsive solutions for biodiversity conservation

Listen to the Women: Discuss women, culture and nature and make a difference Webinar to mark the International Day for Biodiversity, May 22, 2020 ONLINE on our Youtube channel Women4Biodiversity Objective: Reflect on this year’s theme of “Our solutions are in Nature” 1. Amplify good… Read More »Webinar Series: Women, Culture and Nature: Gender responsive solutions for biodiversity conservation

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